This enterprise is widely known under the name of Energy Assets Limited. The firm was established twenty years ago and was registered with 05417114 as its registration number. This particular registered office of this company is located in Manchester. You can reach them at Ship Canal House, 98 King Street. Energy Assets Limited was known 20 years from now as Hallco 1152. The company's SIC code is 82990 which stands for Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified. Energy Assets Ltd filed its account information for the financial year up to 2022-03-31. The company's most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-04-29.
Having eight job offers since July 23, 2014, the firm has been one of the most active ones on the labour market. Recently, it was searching for new workers in Poole, Livingston and Mansfield. They employ employees on such positions as: Business Support Co-ordinator - Maternity Cover or Receptionist Administrator.
We have identified 9 councils and public departments cooperating with the company. The biggest counter party of them all is the Cornwall Council, with over 8 transactions from worth at least 500 pounds each, amounting to £54,062 in total. The company also worked with the Buckinghamshire (27 transactions worth £30,494 in total) and the Derby City Council (5 transactions worth £17,575 in total). Energy Assets was the service provided to the Cornwall Council Council covering the following areas: 89105-utility Works and 89104-major Enhancement Works was also the service provided to the Derby City Council Council covering the following areas: Repair & Maintenance Works - Automatic Controls Maintenance, Children's Homes Refurbishment Phase 2-capital Expenditure, Premises Costs and Capital Expenditure.
Given the following company's magnitude, it became necessary to acquire other company leaders: David S. and David T. who have been participating in joint efforts since 2024 to promote the success of this specific firm.