Registered as 10479496 eight years ago, Encasa Group Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company. The firm's actual mailing address is 59-61 Charlotte Street, St Pauls Square Birmingham. This company's registered with SIC code 68310 which stands for Real estate agencies. Encasa Group Ltd reported its account information for the period that ended on 2022/03/31. The firm's most recent confirmation statement was submitted on 2022/10/31.
This firm owes its well established position on the market and constant development to a team of two directors, specifically Adrian D. and Iain P., who have been supervising the firm since 2017-03-15.
The companies with significant control over this firm are as follows: Encasa Group Holdings Limited owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights. This business can be reached in Birmingham at Charlotte Street, B3 1PX and was registered as a PSC under the reg no 13350324.