The moment the firm was started is 2022/12/08. Established under company registration number 14529498, the firm is listed as a Private Limited Company. You may find the main office of this firm during business hours under the following address: C/o Tc Group 6th Floor Kings House 9-10 Haymarket, SW1Y 4BP London. The company's SIC and NACE codes are 71122 : Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities.
We have a group of three directors leading the following company now, specifically Gyen A., Christopher H. and Daniel B. who have been carrying out the directors obligations since July 2024.
The companies with significant control over this firm include: Prosemino Limited owns 1/2 or less of company shares. This business can be reached in London at 6Th Floor, Kings House, 9 - 10 Haymarket, SW1Y 4BP.