1964 is the date that marks the establishment of Edwin Millen Estates Ltd, the company which is situated at 310 Wellingborough Road, in Northampton. That would make 61 years Edwin Millen Estates has been on the British market, as the company was registered on Wednesday 8th April 1964. The firm Companies House Registration Number is 00800156 and the postal code is NN1 4EP. This company currently known as Edwin Millen Estates Ltd, was earlier listed as Millen Machine Tool. The change has taken place in Thursday 11th October 2007. This company's principal business activity number is 68209 - Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate. 2022-08-31 is the last time account status updates were filed.
This company has a single managing director this particular moment controlling this particular limited company, namely Harvey M. who's been performing the director's responsibilities since Wednesday 8th April 1964. Since December 2007 Moira M., had been managing the limited company up to the moment of the resignation in 2017. As a follow-up a different director, including Sara H. quit 8 years ago.