Dj Yoda came into being in 2010 as a company enlisted under no 07313669, located at CV32 6BN Leamington Spa at 23 Highcroft Crescent. The firm has been in business for 14 years and its current state is active. This business's declared SIC number is 90030 - Artistic creation. Dj Yoda Ltd released its latest accounts for the financial period up to 2023-03-31. Its most recent confirmation statement was filed on 2023-06-28.
At the moment, the directors registered by this specific business are as follow: Bianca S. formally appointed in 2010 in October and Duncan B. formally appointed on 2010-07-14. Furthermore, the managing director's tasks are aided with by a secretary - Tom R., who was chosen by this business on 2019-04-15.
Executives who have control over the firm are as follows: Bianca S. owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights. Duncan B. owns over 1/2 to 3/4 of company shares and has over 1/2 to 3/4 of voting rights.