2004 is the date that marks the founding of Diane Mae Limited, the company located at The Mulberry, Chilton Farm Alkham Valley Road, Alkham in Dover. That would make 20 years Diane Mae has existed in the UK, as it was registered on 6th September 2004. The Companies House Reg No. is 05222714 and its area code is CT15 7DR. It is recognized as Diane Mae Limited. However, the company also was registered as A Time To Heal up till the name got changed 16 years ago. This business's registered with SIC code 90020 meaning Support activities to performing arts. Diane Mae Ltd reported its latest accounts for the financial period up to 2022-09-30. The firm's latest confirmation statement was filed on 2023-09-06.
According to this company's executives data, since September 2004 there have been two directors: Richard B. and Diane B.. Additionally, the director's duties are constantly helped with by a secretary - Diane B., who was appointed by the following company on 7th September 2004.