FC013038 - registration number assigned to Dentsply Limited. This company was registered as a Other Company Type on 1993-01-01. This company has been on the British market for the last thirty one years. The company can be reached at Floor 4 Willow House Cricket Square in Po Box 268. The office's postal code assigned is . The country of origin of Dentsply Limited is CAYMAN ISLANDS.
Having two recruitment announcements since Friday 19th September 2014, Dentsply has been a quite active employer on the employment market. On Friday 19th September 2014, it started seeking job candidates for a European Supply Planner - Maternity Cover 9 months position in Weybridge, and on Friday 19th September 2014, for the vacant position of a European Supply Planner - maternity cover 9 months in Weybridge.
Our database detailing this specific enterprise's personnel indicates that there are two directors: Gerard C. and Paul F. who became members of the Management Board on 2008-04-30 and 2003-12-31. In order to help the directors in their tasks, this particular firm has been utilizing the skillset of Paul F. as a secretary since 2003.