06377227 Limited may be found at 93 Queen Street, in Sheffield. Its area code is S1 1WF. 06377227 has existed on the market since the firm was started in 2007. Its Companies House Registration Number is 06377227. This company changed its name already two times. Until 2016 the firm has delivered its services as Democon but currently the firm operates under the business name 06377227 Limited. This enterprise's SIC and NACE codes are 43110 - Demolition. 06377227 Ltd reported its account information for the financial period up to 2012-09-30. The company's latest annual return information was submitted on 2013-09-20.
For 18 years, this particular company has only been guided by a single director: Carl W. who has been supervising it since Thu, 20th Sep 2007. What is more, the managing director's efforts are constantly supported by a secretary - Rachel W., who joined the company 18 years ago.