Cx Peking Chef Limited is categorised as Private Limited Company, located in 1 Victoria Square in Birmingham. The main office's postal code is B1 1BD. This firm has been registered on 2016-08-30. The company's Companies House Reg No. is 10351262. This company's declared SIC number is 56103 and has the NACE code: Take-away food shops and mobile food stands. Cx Peking Chef Ltd filed its latest accounts for the period up to August 31, 2017. The company's most recent confirmation statement was filed on August 29, 2017.
As for the following limited company, the full range of director's tasks have so far been performed by Xue C. who was selected to lead the company on 2016-08-30.
Xue C. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.