Registered at 3rd Floor, London EC2A 4JU Cristie Data Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company issued a 03457111 Companies House Reg No. It was set up twenty seven years ago. It 's been sixteen years that It's business name is Cristie Data Limited, but till 2008 the name was Cristie Data Products and before that, up till 1998-01-14 this business was known as Wansco 358. It means this company used three other names. The firm's registered with SIC code 62020 and has the NACE code: Information technology consultancy activities. The company's latest filed accounts documents were submitted for the period up to 2023-03-31 and the latest confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-08-20.
Council Stroud District Council can be found among the counter parties that cooperate with the company. In 2011, this cooperation amounted to at least 1,800 pounds of revenue. Cooperation with the Stroud District Council council covered the following areas: Hardware.
There seems to be a team of two directors managing this particular company at present, namely Lucy D. and Scott C. who have been executing the directors tasks since 2023-09-18. Additionally, the managing director's responsibilities are constantly assisted with by a secretary - Julie B., who was chosen by this company in 2023.