Costain Civil Engineering Limited is located at Maidenhead at Costain House. You can look up the firm by referencing its area code - SL6 4UB. Costain Civil Engineering's founding dates back to year 1992. The company is registered under the number 02757907 and its current status is active. From 24th June 1999 Costain Civil Engineering Limited is no longer under the business name Costain Overseas Holdings. This company's SIC code is 70100, that means Activities of head offices. Costain Civil Engineering Ltd reported its account information for the period that ended on 2022-12-31. The business latest annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-01-10.
Taking into consideration this particular enterprise's register, since November 2020 there have been two directors: Helen W. and David T.. Moreover, the director's tasks are regularly aided with by a secretary - Nicole G., who was officially appointed by the following business two years ago.