Chartwell Management Services came into being in 2017 as a company enlisted under no 10651258, located at LE5 5DU Leicester at 59 Gedding Road. This company has been in business for eight years and its current state is active. Its official name change from Chartwell Management Services to Chartwell Management Services Limited occurred on 2018-04-18. This company's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 87200, that means Residential care activities for learning difficulties, mental health and substance abuse. Chartwell Management Services Ltd reported its account information for the financial period up to 31st July 2022. The firm's latest annual confirmation statement was released on 2nd March 2023.
According to the latest data, the company is presided over by a solitary director: Sukhdev M., who was designated to this position in March 2017.
Sukhdev M. is the individual who controls this firm.