Bsn Flooring Services Ltd could be found at 38 Weald Road, in Uxbridge. The company's postal code is UB10 0HQ. Bsn Flooring Services has been active on the market since the firm was started in 2008. The company's registered no. is 06633637. The company's SIC code is 43330 which stands for Floor and wall covering. The business most recent financial reports describe the period up to 2023-03-31 and the most current confirmation statement was filed on 2023-10-02.
At the moment, the limited company is managed by 1 managing director: Svetoslav A., who was assigned this position on Wednesday 2nd July 2008. In order to support the directors in their duties, this particular limited company has been using the skills of Svetoslav A. as a secretary since 2008.
Executives who have control over the firm are as follows: Svetoslav A. has substantial control or influence over the company owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights. Krasimira T. owns 1/2 or less of company shares.