This business is based in Bournemouth under the following Company Registration No.: 11259037. This company was established in 2018. The main office of the company is located at Alum House 5 Alum Chine Road Westbourne. The postal code for this place is BH4 8DT. The company's registered with SIC code 51102 and their NACE code stands for Non-scheduled passenger air transport. Brown 2 Earth Ltd reported its latest accounts for the financial year up to 31st March 2022. The company's most recent confirmation statement was submitted on 15th March 2023.
At present, this particular company is presided over by a solitary director: Kevin B., who was designated to this position in 2018.
Kevin B. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.