The enterprise is widely known as Bradbury Developments (charnwood) Ltd.. The firm was started twenty one years ago and was registered under 04683484 as its reg. no. This particular registered office of the company is located in Leicestershire. You can reach them at Westgate House, Royland Road, Loughborough. This business's declared SIC number is 68209 which means Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate. The company's latest accounts describe the period up to 2022-03-31 and the most current annual confirmation statement was filed on 2023-02-28.
Peter N. is this specific firm's single director, who was designated to this position in 2003 in March. At least one secretary in this firm is a limited company: Turner And Smith.
Peter N. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.