The firm referred to as Baxters Food Group was created on 1945-11-07 as a Private Limited Company. This business's headquarters can be contacted at Edinburgh on 12 Charlotte Square. If you need to get in touch with this business by mail, its zip code is EH2 4DJ. The office reg. no. for Baxters Food Group Limited is SC023572. Baxters Food Group Limited was registered eighteen years from now under the name of W.a. Baxter & Sons. This business's principal business activity number is 10390 which stands for Other processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables. Its most recent filed accounts documents cover the period up to April 2, 2022 and the most current confirmation statement was released on January 11, 2023.
The firm has registered three trademarks, all are still in use. The first trademark was granted in 2016. The one which will become invalid first, that is in February, 2026 is UK00003150458.
That business owes its success and permanent development to a team of four directors, specifically Catherine M., Kieran S., Audrey B. and Andrew B., who have been running the company since 2024. Furthermore, the director's assignments are often supported by a secretary - Gordon M., who was chosen by the business in 2019.