Automotive Repair Systems came into being in 2001 as a company enlisted under no 04208107, located at BR6 7GZ Orpington at Unit 1 Lower Hook Business Park Shire Lane. This company has been in business for 24 years and its official status is active. The company's SIC code is 45200 which stands for Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. The latest annual accounts cover the period up to December 31, 2022 and the most recent confirmation statement was submitted on April 30, 2023.
Having 11 job announcements since Wed, 5th Apr 2017, the firm has been one of the most active employers on the employment market. Recently, it was employing new workers in Bristol, Orpington and Swalwell. They need candidates on such posts as for instance: Administration Assistant, Paint Store Assistant and Automotive Paint Manager.
Since 30th April 2001, the following company has only had an individual managing director: Andrew P. who has been guiding it for 24 years. Another limited company has been appointed as one of the secretaries of this company: Brisan Secretaries Limited.