1998 marks the start of Alto Performance Limited, the firm that is situated at 63 Broad Green, Wellingborough, Northants. This means it's been twenty six years Alto Performance has prospered in the United Kingdom, as it was created on 1998-06-05. The firm registration number is 03576296 and its post code is NN8 4LQ. Alto Performance Limited was listed twenty one years from now under the name of B.s. Project Engineering (UK). The enterprise's SIC code is 99999 which means Dormant Company. 2022/05/31 is the last time the company accounts were reported.
At present, there seems to be a solitary managing director in the company: Benjamin S. (since 1998-06-05). Since 2003 Christopher N., had been performing the duties for this limited company up to the moment of the resignation in 2011.
Wendy S. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.