01067182 - registration number assigned to Aegis Securities (bromley) Limited. This firm was registered as a Private Limited Company on 1972-08-22. This firm has been active in this business for 52 years. The enterprise can be contacted at Povey Little Chartered Accounts 12 Hatherley Road in Sidcup. The main office's postal code assigned is DA14 4DT. This firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 41100 and has the NACE code: Development of building projects. Wed, 26th Oct 2022 is the last time when the company accounts were reported.
We have a solitary managing director currently managing the following firm, namely Desmond S. who has been utilizing the director's assignments since 1972-08-22. Victor S. had been functioning as a director for this firm up to the moment of the resignation two years ago. What is more a different director, specifically Bridie S. quit in August 2022.