1999 marks the start of Ade Recruitment Limited, a company registered at 5 Brooklands Place, Brooklands Road, Sale. That would make twenty five years Ade Recruitment has prospered on the British market, as it was started on Wed, 21st Apr 1999. The firm Companies House Registration Number is 03756430 and the post code is M33 3SD. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 78200 which means Temporary employment agency activities. 2022-04-30 is the last time company accounts were reported.
There is 1 director at the current moment overseeing this company, namely Christopher S. who's been performing the director's tasks since Wed, 21st Apr 1999. What is more, the managing director's efforts are often aided with by a secretary - Diane S., who joined this company in April 1999.
Christopher S. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.