Active Management Solutions (4) Limited with the registration number 08783696 has been competing in the field for 12 years. This Private Limited Company is officially located at Apartment 13 Queens College Chambers, 38 Paradise Street, Birmingham and company's area code is B1 2AF. Created as Active Management Solutions 4, the company used the name up till 2014, at which moment it was changed to Active Management Solutions (4) Limited. This firm's SIC code is 52103 : Operation of warehousing and storage facilities for land transport activities. 2022-12-31 is the last time company accounts were filed.
Considering the following company's constant growth, it became necessary to choose other company leaders: James H. and Robert C. who have been working as a team since 2013-11-20 to promote the success of the limited company. Additionally, the director's duties are often assisted with by a secretary - Christopher W., who was selected by this limited company on 2014-12-01.