02469404 is the reg. no. used by Access Communications Group Limited. The firm was registered as a Private Limited Company on 1990-02-12. The firm has existed on the British market for 35 years. The company can be contacted at The Crabtree Quinton Green Quinton in Northampton. The area code assigned to this place is NN7 2EG. Although recently referred to as Access Communications Group Limited, it was not always so. The firm was known under the name Access Communications until 2020-11-12, at which point the company name was replaced by Telcoinabox Group. The final change took place on 2021-05-11. The enterprise's principal business activity number is 61900, that means Other telecommunications activities. 2023-02-28 is the last time when account status updates were reported.
The company has just one director at present controlling the company, namely Shehzada C. who's been doing the director's tasks for 35 years. That company had been directed by James P. up until 2018. What is more another director, including Julie P. quit on 2013-02-25.