A.b. Demolition Engineer (UK) Ltd can be reached at Nailsworth at Town Hall. You can look up this business by its postal code - GL6 0JF. A.b. Demolition Engineer (UK)'s incorporation dates back to 2015. The firm is registered under the number 09405872 and its last known state is active - proposal to strike off. This business's SIC code is 43110: Demolition. A.b. Demolition Engineer (UK) Limited reported its latest accounts for the period up to January 31, 2019. The company's latest annual confirmation statement was released on January 26, 2021.
Christopher A. is this company's only managing director, that was formally appointed in 2019 in October. Since 2018-08-23 Vincent W., had been managing the company till the resignation on 2019-10-31. As a follow-up another director, specifically Christopher A. quit on 2018-08-23.
Chrhistopher A. is the individual with significant control over this firm, has substantial control or influence over the company.