2020 Search came into being in 2009 as a company enlisted under no SC359019, located at AB10 6RD Aberdeen at Chattan Mews Office. This company's last known status was dissolved. 2020 Search had been operating on the market for at least eleven years. This firm has been on the market under three names. Its initial name, 20/20 Business Development, was changed on 2009-08-28 to 20/20 Search. The current name is in use since 2010, is 2020 Search Limited.
This firm was overseen by one managing director: Susan A., who was formally appointed eight years ago.
The companies that controlled this firm included: Cammach Recruitment Limited owned over 3/4 of company shares and had 3/4 to full of voting rights. This business could have been reached in Aberdeen at 18 Chattan Place, AB10 6RD and was registered as a PSC under the registration number Sc403237.