This First For Assets Limited business has been operating offering its services for 12 years, having started in 2013. Started with registration number 08377750, First For Assets was set up as a Private Limited Company with office in Unit 1 Lower Hook Busine Park, Orpington BR6 7GZ. This firm switched its business name already two times. Up to 2015 the firm has been working on providing the services it's been known for under the name of 1st For Alloys but currently the firm operates under the business name First For Assets Limited. The company's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 45200 which means Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. Saturday 31st December 2022 is the last time when account status updates were reported.
Presently, this particular firm is supervised by 1 managing director: Andrew P., who was designated to this position in 2013. Since 2013-01-28 Andrew E., had been managing this specific firm until the resignation on 2014-01-10.
Andrew P. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.