This business is widely known as 194 Old Shoreham Road Portslade Rtm Company Limited. The company was established 11 years ago and was registered under 08702880 as the registration number. This head office of the firm is situated in Hove. You can reach them at Office 10, 270 Old Shoreham Road. The enterprise's declared SIC number is 98000 which means Residents property management. 2022-09-30 is the last time when company accounts were reported.
The company has 1 director currently supervising this limited company, namely Daniel D. who's been performing the director's assignments since 2013-09-24. Since September 2013 Nicholas P., had been performing the duties for this limited company till the resignation in 2016.
Daniel D. is the individual who controls this firm, has substantial control or influence over the company.