07909451 is a reg. no. used by 112 Central Parade Property Management Limited. The firm was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2012-01-13. The firm has been actively competing on the market for the last twelve years. This enterprise can be gotten hold of in 38 Avenue Road in Herne Bay. It's postal code assigned to this place is CT6 8TG. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 99999 : Dormant Company. Its latest annual accounts cover the period up to 2022-01-31 and the latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-01-16.
The following business owes its success and permanent improvement to a group of two directors, who are Sarah M. and Griffith S., who have been managing the firm for 2 years. To help the directors in their tasks, the abovementioned business has been using the skills of Griffith S. as a secretary since February 2022.