2017 is the year of the start of 111sjh LLP, the firm which was located at C/o Shelley Stock Hutter, 7-10 Chandos Street in London. The company was registered on 2017-09-13. The firm reg. no. was OC418935 and its post code was W1G 9DQ. This company had been operating in this business for about two years up until 2019-02-19.
The companies that controlled the firm were: West Of England Developments Ltd and had 1/2 or less of voting rights. This company could have been reached in London at 7-10 Chandos Street, W1G 9DQ and was registered as a PSC under the registration number 10247087. Hisley Property Developments Ltd and had 1/2 or less of voting rights. This company could have been reached in London at 7-10 Chandos Street, W1G 9DQ and was registered as a PSC under the registration number 08459307.