11 Powis Road (brighton) began its business in the year 2020 as a Private Limited Company registered with number: 12669035. This company has been prospering for five years and it's currently active. This firm's registered office is situated in Brighton at Ridgeland House. Anyone can also locate this business by the area code of BN3 1TL. The enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 98000 and their NACE code stands for Residents property management. 11 Powis Road (brighton) Ltd released its account information for the financial period up to Thu, 30th Jun 2022. The company's latest confirmation statement was released on Sun, 11th Jun 2023.
Carolyn P., Eric K., Vanessa S. and Camilla Y. are the firm's directors and have been expanding the company since June 2020.