11 Holland Road Freehold Ltd with Companies House Reg No. 06602393 has been on the market for seventeen years. This Private Limited Company can be reached at 11 Holland Road, Holland Road, London and company's area code is W14 8HJ. It has been on the market under three names. The very first registered name, Ardent Homes (UK), was changed on 2014-01-16 to 06602393. The current name is used since 2014, is 11 Holland Road Freehold Ltd. This enterprise's principal business activity number is 41100 and their NACE code stands for Development of building projects. 31st May 2022 is the last time the company accounts were filed.
Ibtihal A. is the enterprise's single director, that was formally appointed in 2018. That company had been directed by Mualla T. up until May 2023. Additionally a different director, namely Zauri G. resigned in February 2022.