2019 is the year of the start of Idsgn. Ltd, the company which is situated at Suite G04, 1 Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London. This means it's been 6 years Idsgn has prospered in this business, as the company was created on 2019/07/02. Its Companies House Registration Number is 12078951 and its area code is WC2A 1HR. This company began under the name 1:1 Design Studio, however for the last three years has operated under the name Idsgn. Ltd. This firm's SIC and NACE codes are 71111 which stands for Architectural activities. 2022-07-31 is the last time when the accounts were reported.
For 6 years, this specific limited company has only had 1 director: Elvis B. who has been in charge of it since 2019/07/02.
Elvis B. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.