This particular company is located in London with reg. no. 03865578. This company was set up in the year 1999. The main office of the company is situated at 59 Glenthorne Road . The post code for this address is W6 0LJ. The company currently known as 11-18 Addison Park Mansions Ltd, was previously listed under the name of Addison Park Management. The transformation has occurred in 2013-08-15. The company's principal business activity number is 98000 which stands for Residents property management. The business most recent financial reports describe the period up to 2022/12/31 and the most current annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023/07/13.
When it comes to the following enterprise's register, since 2004-04-21 there have been three directors: Massimo B., Camilla H. and Jocelyne C..