Lawal Consulting is a firm situated at CV37 6GJ 39 Sheep Street at C/o The Accounting Crew. This company has been registered in year 2015 and is established under reg. no. 09556709. This company has existed on the English market for ten years now and the current status is active. Despite the fact, that lately it's been referred to as Lawal Consulting Limited, it previously was known under a different name. The company was known as 10ftchopsticks until 2018-11-16, when the name was changed to 10ft. The last change took place on 2023-08-04. This company's registered with SIC code 62020 which stands for Information technology consultancy activities. 2022-04-30 is the last time company accounts were reported.
Olufunmilola L. is the following enterprise's single managing director, that was arranged to perform management duties in 2015.
Olufunmilola L. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.