2001 signifies the launching of 107 Tierney Road Residents Company 2001 Limited, a firm located at 41 Ashburnham Grove, in London. That would make twenty four years 107 Tierney Road Residents Company 2001 has prospered on the market, as it was registered on Tuesday 17th April 2001. Its registration number is 04200634 and the company postal code is SE10 8UL. Launched as Mablaw 427, the firm used the business name until 2001, when it got changed to 107 Tierney Road Residents Company 2001 Limited. This business's registered with SIC code 98000 meaning Residents property management. Its most recent filed accounts documents describe the period up to 2022-03-31 and the most current annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-04-17.
Our info describing this specific company's executives reveals the existence of four directors: Mdjgan H., Stuart H., Julie W. and Annette S. who were appointed on Friday 5th November 2010, Tuesday 18th September 2007 and Tuesday 6th April 2004. Additionally, the managing director's duties are constantly assisted with by a secretary - Annette S., who was chosen by the following limited company twenty two years ago.