1998 signifies the launching of Rother Investment Group Limited, a firm which was situated at Unit 2.02 High Weald House, Glovers End in Bexhill. The company was founded on 1998-02-12. The company's registered no. was 03508763 and its post code was TN39 5ES. The company had been in this business for about 25 years until 2023-10-31. The company has a history in registered name changes. In the past, this firm had three different company names. Up till 2016 this firm was prospering under the name of 1066 Leisure and before that its registered company name was Rother Estate Management.
For this specific limited company, a number of director's assignments have so far been done by Bradley C. and Ronald C.. Out of these two managers, Ronald C. had been with the limited company the longest, having been a part of directors' team for 25 years.