104 St Andrews Road (exmouth) started its operations in the year 1990 as a Pri/ltd By Guar/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital) under the following Company Registration No.: 02524347. The business has been active for 34 years and it's currently active. The company's office is based in Exmouth at Flat 1. You could also find the firm by its area code : EX8 1AT. This firm's registered with SIC code 98000, that means Residents property management. 2022-07-31 is the last time when company accounts were filed.
In the company, a variety of director's duties have been met by Lisa W., James L. and Margaret F.. Amongst these three executives, Margaret F. has managed company for the longest time, having become one of the many members of officers' team on May 1, 2011. To support the directors in their duties, the abovementioned company has been utilizing the skills of Margaret F. as a secretary since March 2015.