This company referred to as 102 Nail Studio was established on 2019-04-02 as a private limited company. This company registered office was located in London on 8b Ellingfort Road. This place zip code is E8 3PA. The office registration number for 102 Nail Studio Ltd was 11920036. 102 Nail Studio Ltd had been active for 2 years until 2021-06-08.
When it comes to this particular limited company, the majority of director's assignments had been carried out by Thanh N. and Thi L.. Out of these two individuals, Thi L. had administered the limited company the longest, having become a vital part of officers' team on April 2019.
Thanh N. was the individual who controlled this firm, owned over 3/4 of company shares and had 3/4 to full of voting rights.