10 Ennismore Gardens Freehold has been operating on the market for eight years. Established under company registration number 10894273, the company is listed as a Private Limited Company. You may find the headquarters of this firm during its opening hours under the following address: C/o Boydell & Co 146 B Chiswick High Road, W4 1PU London. The company's SIC code is 98000 and their NACE code stands for Residents property management. The business latest financial reports cover the period up to Thu, 31st Aug 2023 and the latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on Tue, 4th Jul 2023.
When it comes to this specific company's executives data, since 2024 there have been three directors: Linda P., Mark B. and John D.. At least one limited company has been appointed as a director, specifically Peerman Investments Limited.