This particular 10 Durdham Park Management Limited company has been operating in this business field for thirty five years, as it's been established in 1989. Registered under the number 02350166, 10 Durdham Park Management is a Private Limited Company located in Hall Floor Flat, Bristol BS6 6XA. This business's SIC and NACE codes are 98000 meaning Residents property management. 10 Durdham Park Management Ltd reported its latest accounts for the period that ended on Friday 31st March 2023. The most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on Thursday 16th February 2023.
Taking into consideration the firm's magnitude, it became vital to appoint more executives, namely: Alison F., Thomas C., Jennifer H. who have been assisting each other since 2005 for the benefit of this specific company.
Sally J. is the individual who has control over this firm, has substantial control or influence over the company.