07692611 is the registration number used by 1-14 Evergreen Rtm Company Limited. The firm was registered as a Pri/ltd By Guar/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital) on 2011-07-04. The firm has been present on the market for the last 14 years. The enterprise could be found at Unit 2 Tanners Court Tanners Lane in Shootash. The area code assigned to this location is SO51 6DP. This business's principal business activity number is 98000 - Residents property management. 2022-12-31 is the last time when the accounts were filed.
As for this particular limited company, all of director's obligations have been fulfilled by Sanjiv S., Ajit G. and Elizabeth L.. Within the group of these three people, Elizabeth L. has been with the limited company the longest, having become a vital addition to directors' team on 2021-11-18.