This company is based in Swansea with reg. no. 13297565. The company was set up in the year 2021. The main office of the company is located at Metropole Chambers Salubrious Passage. The area code for this address is SA1 3RT. This business's SIC and NACE codes are 82990 meaning Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified. 081145 Ltd filed its latest accounts for the period that ended on Tuesday 29th March 2022. The business latest annual confirmation statement was released on Monday 27th March 2023.
According to the latest update, there is a solitary director in the company: Nagoorthamby R. (since 2024-03-14). Since 2021-03-28 Stella O., had performed the duties for the following limited company up to the moment of the resignation almost one year ago.
Nagoorthamby R. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.