2009 marks the establishment of 06803599, a firm which was located at C/o 4 Barn Close, St Lawrence in Ventnor. It was created on 2009-01-28. The company's reg. no. was 06803599 and the company area code was PO38 1UT. It had been operating on the British market for about 9 years until 2018-07-03. Started as Kimberley Real Estate, the company used the name until 2016, when it was changed to 06803599.
When it comes to this particular business, the majority of director's assignments had been performed by Charlotte K. and Simon K.. Amongst these two managers, Charlotte K. had managed the business for the longest period of time, having become one of the many members of company's Management Board on 2009-01-28.
Simon K. was the individual who controlled this firm, had substantial control or influence over the company.