2005 is the year of the beginning of 05482334 Limited, a company that was situated at 2 Redwing Court, Willow Farm Busienss Park in Castle Donington. The company was registered on 2005/06/15. Its registered no. was 05482334 and the post code was DE74 2NN. The firm had been in this business for about ten years up until 2015/04/14. Launched as R.t.t. Holdings, the company used the business name up till 2014, the year it got changed to 05482334 Limited.
As for the following business, the majority of director's assignments have so far been carried out by Emma B., Carol B., Jennifer B. and 2 others directors. Out of these five people, Jennifer B. had managed the business the longest, having been a vital part of officers' team for ten years.