04468077 came into being in 2002 as a company enlisted under no 04468077, located at BH2 6HR Bournemouth at Priceswaterhousecoopers Llp. It has been in business for 23 years and its last known status is active. It changed its name already two times. Before 2021 the company has delivered its services under the name of Rooney Construction but now the company is registered under the name 04468077 Limited. This company's SIC and NACE codes are 4521 which stands for Gen construction & civil engineer. 04468077 Ltd filed its latest accounts for the financial period up to 2003/06/30. The business most recent annual return information was submitted on 2004/06/24.
In the limited company, the full scope of director's obligations have so far been carried out by Charles W. who was selected to lead the company in 2002. In addition, the managing director's responsibilities are constantly aided with by a secretary - Margaret W., who was officially appointed by the limited company 23 years ago.