This business called 03226294 was started on 1996-07-17 as a Private Limited Company. The company's head office could be gotten hold of in Bedfordshire on 310-312 Dallow Road, Luton. If you want to reach the company by mail, the area code is LU1 1TD. The official registration number for 03226294 Limited is 03226294. The company has a history in business name change. In the past, the firm had two different names. Up till 2017 the firm was prospering under the name of Setpoint and before that the company name was Huntleigh Hoskins. The company's principal business activity number is 7499 meaning Non-trading company. 03226294 Ltd reported its account information for the period that ended on December 31, 2005. The business most recent annual return was released on July 17, 2006.
According to the latest data, this company has a solitary director: Geoffrey C., who was appointed 28 years ago. For 2 years Mark M., had performed assigned duties for this company until the resignation in 1998. In order to help the directors in their tasks, this company has been utilizing the skills of Richard B. as a secretary since the appointment on 2007-02-09.