03088350 Limited can be found at Birmingham at Priory Road. Anyone can look up the firm by its post code - B6 7LF. 03088350's founding dates back to year 1995. This firm is registered under the number 03088350 and company's status at the time is active. Despite the fact, that currently it is referred to as 03088350 Limited, it was not always so. This company was known as Plasmatic until Tue, 17th Jul 2001, when it was replaced by P.l. (realisation). The final transformation took place on Wed, 20th Feb 2019. The company's SIC and NACE codes are 7499 and has the NACE code: Non-trading company. 1999-12-31 is the last time when account status updates were reported.
At the moment, the directors chosen by this specific company are as follow: Jonathan P. appointed in 1999 in April and Richard M. appointed on Thu, 4th Mar 1999.