1994 is the year of the beginning of 02959484 Limited, a company which was situated at G15 Treforest Industrial Estate, Treforest in Mid Glamorgan. It was created on 1994-08-17. Its Companies House Registration Number was 02959484 and the company post code was CF37 5YL. This firm had been active on the market for approximately thirty years until 2024-04-23. This firm has a history in registered name change. Up till now the firm had two different company names. Up till 2014 the firm was run as Sandco and before that its registered company name was M.b.h.28.
The info we posses describing the following firm's executives reveals that the last two directors were: Garnet L. and Malcolm S. who assumed their respective positions on 1994-11-25 and 1994-10-21.