This firm referred to as 01741288 was established on 1983-07-21 as a Private Limited Company. This business's office could be gotten hold of in Manchester on Cork Gully Abacus Court, 6 Minshull Street. If you have to get in touch with this company by post, the post code is M1 3ED. The registration number for 01741288 Limited is 01741288. The name is 01741288 Limited. This business's previous associates may recognize this company as D.m.a. Engineering, which was in use until 2016-12-09. This business's registered with SIC code 2922 which stands for Manufacture of lift & handling equipment. 01741288 Ltd reported its account information for the period up to 1996-02-28. Its most recent annual return information was submitted on 1996-04-13.
When it comes to the following enterprise's executives data, there have been two directors: John G. and Michael C.. In order to help the directors in their tasks, this business has been using the skills of John G. as a secretary.