1961 is the year of the establishment of 00701364 Limited, the firm registered at 38 Langham Street, London in Fitzrovia. That would make 63 years 00701364 has been in the United Kingdom, as it was registered on 1961-08-22. The company's Companies House Registration Number is 00701364 and the post code is W1W 7AR. Although currently it is known as 00701364 Limited, it was not always so. This company was known under the name Bicc-vero Electronics until 1994-04-26, at which point the company name was changed to Vero Electronics. The final transformation took place on 1999-08-24. This company's principal business activity number is 3210 - Marine aquaculture. 00701364 Ltd filed its latest accounts for the financial period up to 2004-08-31. The firm's latest annual return information was filed on 2005-06-26.