Registered at Stoy Hayward, London W1M 1DA 00468596 Limited was classified as a Private Limited Company with 00468596 Companies House Reg No. This firm was launched on 1949-05-18. 00468596 Limited had existed in the business for 65 years.
00468596 Ltd
Stoy Hayward 8 Baker Street W1M 1DA London
Number: 00468596
Incorporation date: 1949-05-18
Dissolution date: 2014-11-18
End of financial year: 30 September
Category: Private Limited Company
Status: Dissolved
Registered at Stoy Hayward, London W1M 1DA 00468596 Limited was classified as a Private Limited Company with 00468596 Companies House Reg No. This firm was launched on 1949-05-18. 00468596 Limited had existed in the business for 65 years.
Account next due date | 30 July 2004 |